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Witching Hour started where all good things begin: in the middle of math class next to a friend. While brainstorming for a sci-fi animated series, some characters just didn't fit. We figured we might as well hop onto some kind of bandwagon, so this magical school came to be.


More than one year of trashed pages and procrastination later, the first episode went live on tapastic. This website is a more personalized home for the fun little project to live, and I hope you enjoy it.


The series got its name because of a few simple factors: first, it's about magic, duh. Second, guess what time I usually end up drawing this? And lastly, I really liked the BFG when I was little.




Shoutout to Cooper Ebel for helping birth these Ideas, and for your generous patience.


Additional heartfelt thanks to Will for all the very helpful opinions (but not Magenta),

and to Bagel and Nyficus for bein' supportive buddies.


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